Friday, July 31, 2009

I have a question for the God's of Viral Video?

If I laid down a Rihanna song behind my "big fat Portuguese wedding video" will 13 million people watch it?

Really?, the video Chris Brown video is alright, but I don't get the huge excitement over it, ok fine, I do get it a little bit. (Remember how Chris Brown beat his girlfriend, Rihanna?)

BONUS: I actually laid down a Rihanna track behind my cousin's wedding video. It's slow today at work... Enjoy! haha

Water Soluble Bikini Is One Cruel/ Great Prank

Watch out ladies!

From Gizmodo...
Here's something I wish I had found before half our staff flew off on a surfing trip: a water soluble bikini.

Sure, it would have only made sense as water soluble bathing trunks for everyone but Jesus, who is European and therefore wears a bikini, but still, the idea holds up. You give them to your unsuspecting friends who then go in the water. Within three minutes, they disintegrate, leaving your friend humiliated and terrified. Heeee-larious!

Getting good buzz

Up in the Air Walter Kim
Directed by Jason Reitman (Juno, Thank You For Smoking) and starring George "I hook up with the hottest women" Clooney

Boo is back!

Monster Inc. 2 :-)

Remember Stella?

They're back in a new series called "Michael and Michael Have Issues."
Michael & Michael Have IssuesWed 10:30pm / 9:30c
Break-Up Sweatpants
Joke of the DayStand-Up ComedyFree Online Games

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Little People and Star Wars

Jimmy making a come back?

Looks interesting...

The Unthinkable...

A Portuguese Restaurant in Germany...

Who is coming with me???

The cats are back in Development!

Hopefully they don't screw it up. (they probably will)

My Cousin's Big Fat Portuguese Wedding

This is the Shimahita, a traditional Portuguese dance. And, yes I am related to most of these people dancing to it. Watch the whole thing, the ending is amusing.

Friday, July 17, 2009

This Weekend!

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Comes out on my birthday, can't wait!

Speak and Spell

Obviously I didn't get one of these as a kid...


Seu Jorge

Wes Anderson + My Portuguese Heritage + Green Doors + The Green Goblin + A Green Beanie + Bill as a priest = Seu Jorge and Respect

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

This Friday

Marc Webb's 500 Days of Summer, can't wait!

Noad and the Whale - The First Days of Spring

So excited to put some big headphones on, stare at the ceiling, and enjoy this album when I get home.

Friday, July 10, 2009

MGMT - Kids

I really enjoyed this video, especially the animation at the end.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


This is a bit over the top (cough cough insanity) is the best

Last Day Dream - Chris Milk

Last Day Dream [HD] from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Awesome Coat

I think this would go perfect with a Polar bear beanie.

The Perfect Cake